TPoly Phoenix Fibreglass Products has launched an exciting new range of fibreglass versatile freestanding spa-pools. According to Barry Vorster, managing director of the company that was established in 1969, these are the only fibreglass freestanding pre-moulded fibreglass pools that don't require additional support.

Our new range of spa-pools can simply be placed on a level ground, and once you've connected the filtration plant and filled the spa-pool with water, it's ready for you to enjoy Of course there's nothing to stop you installing spa-pools into the ground and many clients prefer this option.

There are four spa pool designs to choose from




The installation process is not at all complicated and a DIY Enthusiast will be able to install a

spa-pool in one to two working days. “There is no backfilling involved, so all you do is dig a

hole, level and compact the ground (or cast a concrete slab), and position the spa-pool where

you want it.

Phoenix Pools supply a freestanding filtration plant in a fibreglass housing with a

cover that is already pre-connected. This further simplifies the installation process.

All you have to do is connect two union fittings.

Townhouse Pools range of spa pools is supplied with four hydro therapy jets and a spa-pool cartridge filter system which eliminates the need for backwashing and therefore saves water.

There are various cost effective heating options to suit various client’s needs. Pool heating options included standard in-line heater units, solar heating and affordable and effective heat pumps.

Optional extras that can be added to your Spa Pool include micro-jet bubblers, LED colour changing lights, step lights and various other synchronizing and remote control possibilities.